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The Portuguese real estate market offers good opportunities, since it is an investment environment with very attractive ROI rates - as long the investment is made in a principled and professional manner.

The sort of urban rehabilitation which has been promoted over the last few years in the urban centres of the cities of Porto and Lisbon, as interventions centred around housing or tourism related activities, has breathed fresh air and set in motion a market which was more focused on new real estate developments. With this very clear paradigm shift, it is imperative that all stakeholders and players in this environment should develop more attentive, precise, nimbler management of properties in consolidated urban areas, as more and more pressing issues are to arise. In order to achieve that effect, it is worthwhile to count on technical and legal support which will ensure that your investment will remain safe, so you can take action with a reasonable degree of predictability in an environment where there is a smattering of legislation, a high degree of complexity, and a great deal of administrative interventions to be taken into account. You might also find it necessary to comply with tax regimes and regulated forms of land use and exploitation, making the most of existing benefits and incentives, and scaffolding your operations in order to make them as attractive as possible.

The guidance provided in the decision making process has proven to be rather useful in the beginning of any partnership I established with clients, not only in the field of urban rehabilitation, but also in any real estate operation in which some sizeable investments are involved, as documents of reference are produced that will analyse the operation and suggest ways to proceed. By looking into legal precedents, presenting an applicable legal framework, and taking clients’ agenda into account, we will project and predict all the different options, aiming to design an operational strategy and process implementation, and considering key critical components such as its degree of complexity, safety, time and costs. This sort of work is carried out in close interface with architects and engineers, and goes beyond the mere presentation of reference documents, as I will strive to develop more advantageous solutions, assessing urban parameters, monitoring the legal conception of the projects, and providing collaboration in the applications and processes to be submitted to various public entities.

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